Our Vision
A Pilgrims’ Oasis,
A Cradle for Catholic Spirituality in Singapore
As pilgrims on our faith journey, we all need to be refreshed and re-energised from time to time, so that we can continue along our intended life’s journey. As a ‘A Cradle for Catholic Spirituality in Singapore,’ CSC’s programmes and activities seek to provide the foundation for the faithful to absorb the various Catholic spiritualities in the practice of their faith & to propel the New Evangelisation throughout the Singapore Catholic archdiocese.
To Transform Lives
- Enabling a life-changing experience of God’s love
- Providing ongoing spiritual formation and growth in discipleship
- Empowering Catholics to share Christ with others

Our Mission

Core Values
CSC members embrace a set of Core Values which guide us in our spiritual growth. These are summarised as follows:
- WORSHIP-we draw strength from the Word of God, the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- EVANGELISATION-we live our mission to reach out to non-believers by proclaiming the Good News and through works of mercy, in communion with the Holy Catholic Church, submitting in love for, and in obedience to, the Church.
- FORMATION-we are committed to grow in holiness through ongoing spiritual formation.
- CHRIST-ENCOUNTER-we are bonded by a shared experience at the CER, of the deep and personal love of God the Father.
- SERVICE-we give of our self as one body in Christ to those in need, caring for the spiritually and materially poor, for the glory of God.
- COMMUNITY-we are a community rooted in compassion and genuine love for one another.
Members Prayer
HEAVENLY FATHER, we praise and thank You for drawing us to serve at the Catholic Spirituality Centre. We pledge our love, fidelity and commitment to You Lord, as we strive to carry out the Centre’s Mission of providing people the experience of encountering You, and receiving healing and spiritual formation, so that CSC can be a cradle for Catholic spirituality in Singapore.
LORD JESUS, grant us the desire to grow in personal holiness and sanctification. Deepen our prayer life, keep us rooted in the Word of God and the Eucharist, and faithful in frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
HOLY SPIRIT, teach us to imitate Christ’s self-emptying love and obedience to the father. Grace us to be generous, available, humble and hospitable in our service. Help us to be a forgiving community, united in love. Form us to be a people of prayer and praise, grounded in God’s love, and from which will flow our service, evangelical and missionary zeal, and works of mercy.In all that we do, we depend on Your grace.
MARY, Mother most Pure, intercede for us.
MOST HOLY TRINITY, we glorify and honour You.