
12 - 16 Aug 2020 (Wed - Sun)


All of the day



Update On CERM #3

13 Feb 2020

In view of the developing situation (COVID-19) and with the Ministry of Health’s and Archdiocese’s advisories regarding large gatherings, the dates for the upcoming CERM #3 (12 – 16 August 2020) are at this point, tentative and subject to change.

Registration will still be open from 15 March 2020.

Let us continue to pray for the containment of the virus, for those who have been infected, for the medical and support teams handling the situation, and for our general well-being.

Thank you and God bless.

Intercessory Prayer against the Novel Coronavirus

Conversion Experience Retreat

CSC Conversion Experience Retreat

The Conversion Experience Retreat (CER) is a 5-day stay in retreat for Catholics who wish to experience a deep and personal encounter of the unconditional love of God.

Whether you have been a Catholic most of your life or are newly baptised, this retreat can help renew your faith as you discover the reality of God’s loving and faithful presence in your life.

Come and be transformed by the healing love of Jesus Christ as He sets you free and empowers you to live out your Christian mission in the world.


  • CER Mandarin #3, 12 – 16 Aug 2020 (for mandarin-speaking community only
  • Registration open from 15 March 2020.
  • Please download registration form in the link below
  • Free on-site parking available for the duration of the retreat
  • All meals provided
Archbishop William Goh

Conducted by

Archbishop William Goh


Catholic Spirituality Centre
1261 Upper Serangoon Road Singapore 534796