More Than A Mum – Mother’s Day Tribute

Mother’s Day 2020 will go down in history – for the global lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But this lockdown must not be an obstacle to celebrate Mother’s Day and show gratitude to our mothers.

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Mother Mary

During this pandemic, all the more we need to have recourse to this “most powerful woman” – Mary our Mother. She waits for us to plead in humble prayer and on bended knees, with a sincere and contrite heart. Many have forgotten the power of the Most Holy Rosary.

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God In The Chaos

The Christian faith is about complete trust, dependence, confidence and reliance on the power of God’s Holy Spirit revealed through Jesus Christ. Faith must have an object and the proper object of genuine faith is God.

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Divine Mercy Sunday

Ever since the Year 2000, the second Sunday of Easter season has been officially known as “Divine Mercy Sunday” the year that St John Paul II officially put the feast on the Church’s liturgical calendar. Catholics are familiar with the origin of the Divine Mercy Devotion, but many still might not know.

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The Easter Story

The Easter Story is the Resurrection of Jesus from the The Greatest Gift
dead. The only people who appreciate THE GIFT are those who understand the NEED FOR THE GIFT! The only people who appreciate deliverance (from sin or anything else) are those who understand their need for deliverance.

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Good Friday

A Scapegoat get blamed for things that happen so we all feel better. He is someone who is blamed for something he is not guilty of and takes the punishment. He suffers while bringing relief to the accusers. Where does the term scapegoat come from? It comes from the Scriptures. Despite witnesses, his defence falls on the deaf ears of his accusers.

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Holy Week

The very first Holy Week was a period of time when changes took place in many different people: some of those changes were good, and some of them were not-so-good.

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