Come worship and fellowship with like-minded young couples and families, as we celebrate Holy Friends in our lives.
You and your family are warmly invited to the second Quarterly meeting by CSC Gen 145 Families!
Date: Sat 8 Mar
Time: 4.30pm – 6.30pm
Registration starts at 4pm
Dinner and fellowship from 6.30pm
Venue: Catholic Spirituality Centre
Register at https://tinyurl.com/Gen145reg
Find out more about CSC Gen 145 Families at https://csctr.net/gen-145-families/
Hope to see you there! 😊
The Quarterly is an event which takes place, as the name suggests, every quarter where all communities in the network gather together at CSC, and this is open to all invitees / enquirers across the Archdiocese.
For 3 key aims:
(1) Gather and Glorify (G) – Visible sign of unity of all communities, and to worship and seek the Lord together.
(2) Encourage and Edify (E) – Minister to marriages and families, wherever they come from.
(3) Network and Nurture (N) – A facilitated platform to meet, introduce and/or connect like-minded similar-season families together to kickstart the discernment process of starting a new community.
How to join, form or start a new community under this network?
Come to The Quarterly to meet and befriend like-minded families in a similar season of life. For families who are interested in forming or starting a new community, please kindly register your interest at The Quarterly (and help us to know more about you and your family).
Once there are four or more families who are open to doing life together, and community leaders with a strong pastoral heart from this group, the discernment process of forming a new community can begin.
For more information about Gen 145, refer to the Gen 145 Families page.
Follow Gen 145 Families on Instagram for updates and community activities!